Service to All

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Our modern-day society is now waking up to the fact that it’s the giving rather than the taking that’s going to make the difference in the end: both personally as well as socially. The more we give of ourselves, the more a sense of unity with the world around us is reinforced within us. And it’s that sense of unity — that feeling of oneness both within and without — that will truly fulfil us. Giving is indeed receiving.

When we give we increase our sense of connection and feeling of oneness with all people and all things. Indeed, with the essence of all. The transformation of selfishness to selflessness is the transformation of one’s limited self (one’s limited sense of awareness) into the greater Self (infinite awareness). In this process our radius of love gradually increases to encompass the whole universe. And the more we feel others as part of ourselves, the more we will be inspired to help others as ourselves; as part of the Greater Self. Although the true spirit of service is giving without getting, we always get the emotional payback, which ultimately feeds into the greater spiritual one.

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” (Mohammed Ali)


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